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ISCB 2013

Seven MEDIASRES ESRs and 9 MEDIASRES supervisors met at the 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics(ISCB), which took place in Munich in August 2013.

Contribution from MEDIASRES ESRs:

MEDIASRES ESRs contributed with 4 oral presentations and 1 poster:

  • Hong Sun (talk): A framework to assess the added value of subgroup analyses when the overall treatment effect (TE) was significant
  • Susanne Strohmaier (talk): Understanding treatment effects in clinical survival trials - a causal approach
  • Corine Baayen (talk): Testing effect of a drug using multiple models for the dose-response
  • Markus Lange (talk): Optimal design of clinical trials with biologics using dose-time-response models
  • Leyla Azarang (poster): Asymptotic results for non-Markov empirical transition probabilities in the illness-death model, with applications

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